1. The
Hypodermic Needle Model:
The advertiser injects information into the
audience’s mind via different types of media. This was a simplistic way of
attracting the audience as the view was that the audience would be easily
susceptible to different information, for example, a poster on the side of the
bus. They thought that if the audience saw this, that they would feel obliged
to go out and buy it. However this was not the case as the audience didn’t take
in the information as passively as the advertisers thought they would. This
showed that different audiences were influenced in different ways. This method
is very outdated, so it is not applicable to Grazia Magazine.
2. Two-Step
This is a more developed version of the
Hypodermic Needle Model as it targets the audience’s interests more
specifically. This takes into account the type of lifestyle that the audience
may lead. This would relate to Grazia Magazine as adverts are placed in the
magazines to catch the eye of the reader. Grazia Magazine also includes high
end adverts, such as ‘Louis Vuitton’, which would not be placed on the side of
3. Uses
& Gratifications:
This form of advertisement was used during
the 1960s. The aim of it was to relate to the public by communicating to them
on a personal level. The advertisement used diversion; an escape from everyday
problems, Personal relationships; such as, using the media for emotional
interaction (Eg. Substituting soap operas for family life), Personal Identity;
finding yourself in literary texts and Surveillance; Information which is
useful for everyday living, such as, Weather reports, financial news, holiday
bargains/deals. Nowadays, this from of advertisement is being increasingly used
in products, such as video games and the internet.
4. Reception
the past couple of decades, a lot of research has been done to determine the
way that individuals receive and interpret things and how their individual
circumstances (gender, class, age and ethnicity) can affect it. Reception
Theory has been created by using different conventions, to achieve a certain
expectation and interpretation. So basically, this concept of advertisement has
a preferred reader created by the publisher but yet an alternative reading as
well, to appeal to a wider audience.
We had to summarise the different audience theories and explain what they were and if they were effective or not.