Saturday, 9 February 2013

Skin's Extract: In Maxxie's Flat - Model Answer

The scene in Maxxie’s flat, presents the characters as very sombre and depressed and particular editing is used in this scene to show this. This scene also helps to show the disabilities and confusion that Tony carries. The camera angles and shots are a massive contribution to the portrayal of his state of mind. There are obviously a lot of shot reverse shots because there is a lot of conversation and the use of facial expressions to set the mood. In the sequence of shots, a shot/reverse shot is used to show contrast between Maxxie and Tony. The ‘dirty over’ used in this shot/reverse shot also provides emphasis on Tony, who is very reserved and quiet.
One of the shots that aid the effects of the disabilities is where the camera focus's on the food that tony is eating. The close up shot of Tony’s food and then a medium shot of him holding the fork awkwardly emphasises his disability. The reason it does this is because his brain injuries are so severe, that he has forgotten the correct way to eat his food. In this shot, Tony’s face also portrays angst and annoyance at his inability to eat properly and it is clearly evident that Tony is unable to complete simple tasks. The camera is really drawn to this, to represent his disorder. The juxtaposition of Maxxie and Tony is again shown when Maxxie is cutting up Tony’s food easily and appears to have no struggle in this task. When Maxxie’s mum wipes food from Tony’s face, she is portrayed as quite patronising towards Tony. This again highlights Tony’s disability and also, how other people perceive him to behave and act. Maxxie’s mum perhaps sees Tony as incapable and stupid in this scene. Also, the camera is mainly focused on Tony’s face, even when Maxxie’s mum is talking to him; this allows us to monitor Tony's reactions to Maxxie’s mum when he can't remember who she is or previous events that she recalls before Tony’s accident.

The scene in Maxxie’s flat, presents Tony as a confused and a mentally ill person. He is presented like this through the use of mise-en-scene. The scene is set in a very dark room, suggesting a sad and depressing atmosphere. This atmosphere reflects Tony’s gloomy mood and gives the watchers an insight into his emotions and his mind. The shot/reverse shot is used to create a contrast in colours between Tony and Maxxie, as Tony is wearing drab, dull clothing, whilst Maxxie is wearing bright and vibrant clothing. Rosettes that are placed behind Tony’s head in this scene show the difference in ability between Maxxie and Tony. This again emphasises Tony’s disability and creates an atmosphere of pity for him, as it is clearly evident that he will never be able to partake in sporting activities like Maxxie. There is also, an awkward atmosphere created as Maxxie’s mum is trying to cheer Tony up but fails, as Tony remains quiet and gloomy. Tony fails to recognise Maxxie’s mum and doesn’t appear to know what to say to her. The confusion on Tony’s face throughout this scene suggests a distortion from reality, as if he can’t connect with the other characters, Maxxie and Maxxie’s mum.
We had to watch an extract from the TV Series, Skins. We were placed in groups and each assigned a specific scene from the extract. My group made notes on the scene from Maxxie's flat and then we collaborated our ideas and created a model exam answer.

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